Sunday, 8 July 2012

Colon Cancer saving Early Diagnosis

 Colon Cancer: Saving Early Diagnosis:

Colon cancer is a kind of disease that is very hard to detect in its early stages. You have to consider the fact that colon cancer can be effectively treated if it is diagnosed early. When it reaches more advanced stages, the chances of getting treated for this kind of disease will decrease especially if the colon rectal cancer has spread to different parts of your body and to other organs.
First of all, the symptoms of colon cancer do not appear in all patients when the colon cancer is in its early stages. This is what makes it difficult to detect. This is one of the main reasons why physicians and oncologists recommend that people should get a regular check up for colon cancer screenings.
The fact that it is a type of cancer that is number two in the list of killer diseases, you too should get a screening for colon cancer regardless of your family history. You have to remember that the number one thing that increases the chances of colon cancer to develop in your body is unhealthy eating habits.
With all the chemicals and growth enhancers that are sprayed and injected into the food we eat today, you can never really make sure whether or not you are eating right. Furthermore, eating fatty foods and foods that are low in fiber will also increase your risk of getting this deadly disease. Although colon cancer deaths are continuing to decline, the figures are still very high. In fact, research has found that every year, over one hundred thousand people are diagnosed with this
Type of cancer. Half of those diagnosed with this killer disease will not survive or will die from the disease. As you can see, it is very important to get screened in a proper colon cancer clinic in order to detect cancer on its early stages. Even if you don't feel anything wrong with your body, you need to get screened as there may be cancerous cells lingering inside your colon waiting for the right conditions to become malignant.
Mainly, the symptoms that people with colon cancer feel is that they are constantly constipated or constantly having diarrhea problems for more than a week. The stool is a much thinner and often comes with blood. You may also feel abdominal pain, bloating and cramps and you will experience loss of weight in a short period of time.
What the clinic and the professionals will do is properly diagnose you through x-rays, CAT scans, and by taking blood and stool samples. Here, they will be able to determine if cancer cells are present. If it is, they will tell you about it and also determine if there are any tumors in your colon. If there is, they will also do some examinations to see if the tumors are benign or malignant. Usually, benign tumors are not removed as it doesn't pose any danger to the patient. However, some people get it removed for the fear that the benign tumor may transform into a malignant one.
These are the things you have to remember about colon cancer. By visiting a colon cancer clinic for regular screening, you will be able to see if you have this killer disease or not. And, if you have, it will be detected in its early stages and get treated by professionals right away.

Colon Cancer Endurance Rate

 Colon Cancer Endurance Rate:

A colon cancer survival rate refers to the percentage of people who were reported still living after being diagnosed with the cancer about 5 yrs ago.
There are already a lot of Americans that were diagnosed (and still being diagnosed) with cancer of the colon today. In 2005, more than 70,000 men and almost 70,000 women were diagnosed with colon rectal cancer. In addition, more than 25,000 lives from each gender are being taken annually in the US but the fortunate news is, the colon cancer survival rate is also getting higher as the years progress.
The reason for this is the better health care facilities and services, faster treatment and modern advances. Many physicians believe in the fact that if only most cancer cases are detected early, the rate of survival would surge sky high. The same as cancer of the colon - it can be avoided altogether if there is early detection and more people undergoes colonoscopy as one of the procedures to be done to detect colon cancer.
More less intrusive techniques are also being discovered and introduced by doctors and hospitals. The good thing about them is that they are easier to use and takes less time, which makes it very convenient for both the medical practitioner and the patients.
The average over-all colon cancer survival rate for patients in some countries is reported as follows:
• 62% in Australia
• 68% in Korea
• 43% in Europe
• 62% in the United States of America
As mentioned before, the earlier the stage, the better your chances of survival. The colon cancer survival rate may only depend on what stage a patient is diagnosed. The good thing about early detection is that the cancer cells are still confined in a certain small area, making it easier to be removed from the body. In its earliest stage, the rate of survival is over 95%. To increase the rate of survival, regular screening is heavily advised to find and treat the disease in time.
It is said that if Americans were regularly examined for colon cancer, we can save about 25,000 lives each year. That is a lot of people who are given chances to live second lives. Sometimes, when the disease is already there, "prevention" is instantaneously rendered useless. So the best thing that you can do is detect the disease early. Make sure you got the best doctors for the job! You can also decrease the chances of getting the cancer by eating healthy foods and living a healthy life.

Frequent Bowel Cancer Symptom

Frequent Bowel Cancer Symptom:

Bowel cancer is one of the common cancer diseases all over the world. Unfortunately, very few people know about this kind of cancer and about its treatments. If you want to be able to fight against this cancer then you must know about the symptoms of this colon rectal cancer too. With a little bit research work on the internet, you can find much about this disease and how you can get rid of it. It is better to adopt such life style that will help you to stay at a distance from these diseases. So, you must know about bowel cancer symptoms so that you can understand about this disease in detail and get rid of it as soon as possible.
There are many undesirable signs that you may have to face during bowel & colon cancer. The symptoms include many unexpected things as well. Some people might feel an abdominal pain that might be frequent and sudden. Some people might suffer from diarrhea. There are certain cases in which a patient was suffering from constipation. If you are anyone in your family is going through these conditions then you should consult with a doctor right away. If you will not pay attention to this issue then the patient might suffer from interior bleeding as well. Normally, this bleeding happens in anal orifice or he/ she may experience hits of blood while passing the stool. If you feel pain during defecating then you should pay attention to it because this can be a beginning of tumor as well.
There are two other names that are normally associated with Bowel Cancer; Colon Cancer and Colo rectal Cancer. These tell about the tumor growth from the stem of the colon, appendix or colon. In most of the cases, some problems are found in colon and then these problems keep on increasing. People normally ignore all these things considering it to be constipation or some other digestive problem in abdomen. Patient can suffer from sever tumor in future if these bowel cancer symptoms are not taken seriously. If you are the person who is suffering from these problems or there is anyone else in your family then you should not waste even a single second and bring that person to a hospital for proper examination.
If tumor has been found in a person then treatment has to be started immediately. Cancer is curable disease but there are certain stages that can be recovered. If you are in a stage of bowel cancer from where you have no chances to recover then you can just pray and take medication for better health. That is the only reason why we should take bowel cancer symptoms seriously and if any are found in yourself or in a person in your family then it is your responsibility to consult with a doctor and discuss whole issue in detail. Our health is not for granted thing. Although, most of the things that we get naturally are free but it doesn't mean that we should not take care of our health at all.

Information On Spot Colon Rectal Symptom

Information On spot Colon rectal Symptom:
Spotting colon rectal cancer symptoms early is vital to the prognosis of the condition. In cancer, getting early treatment is very important. If the cancer has been spotted on time, measures might be taken to eradicate the cancer cells from your body. During the first stages of cancer development, your doctor might opt for surgery. This way, they would be able to remove the colon rectal cancer cells from the body without harming your normal ones. Late stages of cancer would require chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This type of treatment would not only kill your cancer cells but would also affect your normal cells.
The symptoms of colon rectal cancer usually depend on the location and the size of the mass. However, most of them are pretty much the same. So, how do we spot the symptoms of colon rectal cancer? Here are the most common manifestations of the condition:
• Changes in bowel movements. Different people manifest different signs. For some, their stools are looser than usual. For others, they frequently experience constipation. There are also some that have reported not being able to defecate at all. Not being able to defecate for several days is what usually prompts them to go see a doctor.
• Bleeding. Bleeding is almost always a common symptom of cancer. This could be due to a variety of reasons. One would be because the tumor has swelled to a certain size and has ruptured certain capillaries or veins, thus causing the bleeding. Another would be that the tumor itself has ruptured. Bleeding in cancer may not always be evident. There would be times that you would really be able to see fresh blood but, more often than not, the bleeding might go undetected. Black stools are great indicators of intestinal bleeding. The black color of the stools comes from the mixture or blood with fecal matter.
• Narrow stools. Some medical practitioners refer to this as ribbon-like stools. This could be caused by the narrowing of your colon or rectal passageway. This narrowing is caused by the tumor growth in your intestines. Your stool would not be able to pass through properly, thus the change in their appearance. So, when do you get alarmed? If you observe that your stools start looking like pencils, or you start to notice that your stools look more different than usual, consult your doctor immediately. Do not wait for your symptoms to worsen.
• The feeling of wanting to defecate again after just defecating could be caused by a growth in your bowels. The feeling is caused by the mass bumping into the opposite intestinal wall. Your bowels' messages to your brain would cause you to think that this is fecal matter, and you would try to push it out.
These four manifestations would be the most common symptoms felt by a patient that is suspected to have colon rectal cancer. When you notice that you are exhibiting these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. This way, he would be able to recommend some laboratory tests so that he could make an accurate colon cancer diagnosis.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Avoid Colon Cancer

 Avoid Colon Cancer - Eradicate the Polyps:

Colon Cancer is not only the second leading cancer killer in the United States it is also the third most common form of cancer. Most cases of colon cancer start quietly, and polyps in the colon can take 10-15 years to turn cancerous and as colon rectal cancer such most people turn a "blind" eye to their bouts of constipation, usually the only symptom. Constipation is one of the reasons for the emergence of polyps in the colon. Studies have shown that if polyps are addressed early and with the cancerous polyps removed, 80% of those cancer deaths could have been avoided.
It is then imperative that one goes for a screening test for colon cancer before even the symptoms appear and especially if you have any of these high risk factors:
· History of family having colon cancer
· Your own personal history of colon disorders
· If you are more than 50 years old
Colon rectal cancer screening tests come in 2 versions; one screens for both polyps and cancer, while the other screens for cancer only. It is recommended to go or the former as, during the screening if polyps are found, they can be removed before they turn cancerous. Biopsy can be done on the removed polyps to determine if cancer is present. As for the 2nd version, it is testing the stool for signs of cancer. This is a much cheaper version but will not be able to detect polyps and thus lose the opportunity to remove any polyps. The early removal of polyps before they turn cancerous is a life-saving procedure as early screening can help to prevent colon cancer.
The American Cancer Society recommends that man or woman above the age of 50 to undergo a screening test for colon cancer for early detection of this 2nd leading cancer killer in the States.
The complete screening would be the Colonoscopy, where the entire colon and rectum is examined with a camera that is inserted with the use of a flexible tube via the anus. This procedure allows for the removal of small polyps if found and the removed polyps can be checked under microscope for cancer.
Sigmoidoscopy is another screening test that is quite similar to colonoscopy except for this test, the examination is done at the final 2 feet of the colon instead of the entire colon as done in colonoscopy. This is deemed sufficient as cancer survival of the colon is limited to only the final 2 feet of the colon.
The colon and rectum are emptied and cleaned before the procedure. The doctor would prescribe laxatives and instruct you to drink clear liquids for at least a day before the test. This preparation may be the worst part of the test for some, as it means running to the toilet often the night before.
The test itself would take about half an hour if no polyps found and longer in the presence of polyps as this means added procedure of removing it. Small polyps are usually removed as they may eventually turned cancerous and this is done by looping a wire over it and cut if off from the wall by using electric current. However, if a larger polyp, tumor or any abnormality is seen, a small specimen is removed for biopsy. The test is uncomfortable, but it is usually done under sedative and most patients will feel normal once the sedative effects go off.

Colonrectal cancer affects

 Colon rectal Cancer Affects:

You can't afford to ignore the facts. These alarming statistics should raise your alert meter and take it to new heights. Three nasty culprits of this cancer are:
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticular Bleeding
- Diverticulitis
What it is and how you can manage this cancer is within your hands. Knowledge is power. Let's take a look at what is and how it affects you or someone you love.
First, the colon rectal cancer begins with tiny formations of tiny pockets, sometimes these pockets are numerous, also called diverticulitis, and they form in the lining of a bowel. These formations can be as small as a low-dose aspirin, or they can be larger.
When internal pressure increases in the bowl and presses against the walls of the bowel, liquid, waste and gas move along the length of the colon and push the bowl out. Much like a garden hose if you continued to force water through a weakened spot in the hose; eventually, it's going to bulge. Did you know Diverticulitis have been known to form while straining to have a bowel movement? These pockets are seen mostly in the lower portion of the intestinal walls, but also in the large intestine (sigmoid colon). Something you should know:
- Diverticulitis is Common
- Occurs in 10% of the Population Over Forty-Years-of-Age
- Occurs in 50% of the Population Over Sixty-Years-of-Age
- Diverticulitis Complications Occur in 20% of People with the Cancer
- Rectal Bleeding (Diverticular Bleeding)
- Diverticular Infection (Diverticulitis)
What is of particular concern is the lack of symptoms. There is a noticeable tenderness reported by people. Some feel a tenderness in the area or speak of abdominal cramps. You can be feeling perfectly fine and experience an attack, consisting of:
- Diarrhea
- Alternating Diarrhea with Constipation
- Craps
- Tenderness in the Lower Abdomen
- Chills
- Fever
Your doctor may test for Diverticular Cancer by recommending one of the tests below to diagnose you. They are:
- X-rays
- CT Scanning
- Ultrasound Testing
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Blood Tests
- Angiography (to locate bleeding source)
Most people don't know they have Diverticular Cancer until they're tested for another reason, completely unrelated. If you experience one or more of the above symptoms, it may be time for you to set up, take notice, and take charge of your digestive health.
One of the most important areas you have control over is your diet. A Diverticulitis Diet with the right Diverticulitis Foods in the right combinations can make all the difference in how your intestines process food. Why would you continue to suffer if you had a choice?
Meet someone who knows firsthand how debilitating this cancer can be, meet Mike Hohlweg, a person who isn't content to keep a proven remedy to himself. His mission is to illuminate pain for others like himself who suffer from this cancer. Mike is an ordinary guy. He was tired of struggling to get through his days pain free. He discovered the Diverticulitis Diet containing Diverticulitis Foods, and his whole world changed. Yours can too. He watched fellow sufferers of this cancer, and decided he had to reach out to as many people as he could to help them too. Sure, he could have remained pain-free and kept all the benefit for himself but that is not who he is. He discovered something else: He started smiling more and discovered he felt like he had a whole new body, one working with him not against him. You can discover this for yourself. Mike has made the Diverticulitis Pain Free Diet available to fellow sufferers like himself.
Note: The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not meant to be substituted for or construed as competent medical advice. People in poor health including those with Diverticulitis, should seek the advice of a medical doctor before embarking on any change in diet or lifestyle. The author is not a member of the medical profession and does not give this information as medical advice. The information contained in this article is from professional research and personal experience. The advice should be considered to be that of a researcher or educated adperson.