Treatment Colonoscopy: Treatment Colonoscopy
The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends colonoscopy for everyone over 50 years. The purpose of the examination is the procedure can detect develop cancer of the colon or rectum current signs of the disease. Additional colonoscopies are recommended every 10 years thereafter, if no problems are detected. On the website of ACS, the procedure as "unpleasant and intrusive" and suggests that "someone drive you home after the procedure." Preparation for colonoscopy requires "colon cleansing" with a special diet and laxatives for a day before the procedure. There are several complications of colonoscopy are perforation, bleeding, and death, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common complication is perforation, which occurs in approximately one in 1,000 procedures, according to a 2009 study published in "genetic medicine". Death occurs in every 12,500 procedures.
There are other less invasive options for the detection of colorectal cancer rectum, including virtual colonoscopy and stool tests such as immunoassays or fecal DNA. Obviously this is not what the American Medical Association calling "gold standard". Colonoscopy is the gold standard.
A colonoscopy involves inserting a thin tube-like instrument with a tiny camera called "colonoscopy" (what else, a periscope?). This device mini dildo in the rectum, which is used, placed along the entire colon. Colonoscopy permits a visual diagnosis of incipient cancer of the colon and rectum biopsy and the removal of the lesions. If anyone is injured, suspect or not, two things happen before the device is removed while the patient is still sedated: under 1) The doctor who conducted the surgery is performed given enough time to leave the city and start a new life a government program of witness protection-like, and 2). If medications and disappear, the patient is completely cured, said an expert consultant something to the patient, "Sorry, nothing's wrong found with you, I really do not know. They have to go through your colon is fine. Visit us in ten years. Have to do it again. "
No, I'm kidding, I have, because it's really amazing truth of the matter: The patient was prepared for this case is very unlikely! And it is thanks to him, anyway. It does not know gob, that it was useless concerned about if you missed it. All you need is a guarantee that this particular disease has or may soon get. There are still hundreds of people who are on the waiting time. How many tests have to learn not to? In any case, that's what I do, should provide information on the results of the colonoscopy. At this stage the patient is not only expected that the throat doctors, who give this done to him, but, on the contrary, were scheduled to be happy with everything. Therefore it is likely to say something like: "Oh, thank you very much Thank you, thank you, I'm just glad that people are better than I can wait until I'm back to me in ten years .....”
I never paid much attention to what the recommended ACS and other medical organizations a test or another. I took care of medical tests, examinations, screening, risk assessment and all these curses care. There is too much of it. These activities were part of the lexicalization of health for at least half a century. I recognized the problem as an organizing principle of health in the late 60s. I in the political and medical research for five years bathed before going into my current role as a promoter of well-being. I have a PhD in health and public policy. I saw up close and personal reality and consequences of unnecessary and often dangerous for our bloated, dysfunctional doctor. I have written extensively on the subject.
The problem is a health care group has done worse. $ 700 billion per year - report in a recent Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), Peter Orissa, director of the Congressional Budget Office, test cited by the estimated 5 percent of gross domestic product in the nation, and procedures that do not actually improve the results. He believes that the "high cost of health care in the United States must be tackled a deep-rooted problem at the root."
Doctors say that colonoscopy is the gold standard of preventive medicine. Well, maybe, but you really need the gold standard? Everyone over 50 years, 10 years? The jury is out. In addition, if you are 50 years or older (or a day there), you might want to check to see if the jury a verdict in routine colonoscopies enough and many other tests and procedures performed.
In 2008, as the American Cancer Society, the colonoscopy as the preferred test. Medicare pays for colonoscopies and the law on health care reform again (PPACA) requires insurance companies to cover it.
However, I have good reasons to resist this process, and a general recognition that the medical system is full of unnecessary tests, some of which may be hazardous to health and prosperity. For example, a colonoscopy is three to four times more expensive than a simple test sigmoidoscopy. This means that a "probe", which takes a few minutes. No sedation, leaving no need for exercise or work, and pot of laxatives or colon emptying terrible last night, and may not require medical gastroenterologist or primary family often the process.) A Best of all, the risk of complications (infections, bleeding, incontinence, or, in the worst case, death) is seven times lower than the city of Calvary C.
And here's the clip: the inventor of the colonoscopy, nougat, wrote an editorial in JAMA this summer said he regrets the invention of colonoscopy. Torreon said, "If we had today, when we, in 1988, I set up a colonoscopy on current information and are."
As one wag said the gold standard of preventive medicine cans only gold from the perspective of physicians' salaries.
All of this is personal. I am almost 74 years and I've never had one. Many of my friends this appalling. My wife and son were doing for me to do this. And one of my best friends, someone I have the highest esteem, because half a dozen different almost pulled out all the stops to convince me to the bodies of the colon are more radical measures to be withdrawn, suspended, including me, as a false prophet is.
Charlie Chaplin said: "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot." Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of this method, I'm struggling with a go / no go decision. I consulted my Ouija board, card and prayer book. However, it seems the case for and against a balanced colonoscopy. (Yes, of course I'm talking about the astrology chart and prayer book joke.)
I confess that remain when comparing the two options, and I started in favor of "give it a pass" option. Following Mr. Chaplin, seen in the foreground biased, the ability to suffer this indignity seems tragic. But I think if I go through and see what. the test results allow me on the planet's surface had to remain for some time, I really think it's funny, with hindsight
Influential people in my life, I have been following for many years to have this operation. This group includes influential my family doctor, my son and my wife. Your good intentions are concerned, of course, highly respected and appreciated. However, I suspect that they are caused by excessive caution with respect to future problems that affected lurk in conjunction with very little concern for the inconvenience of the whole process, and the likelihood that it was useless. Unfortunately, the pressure to resist more, to do just that was almost unbearable.
The last attack began a month ago during a training ride. A friend of the athlete and champion cyclist about my age I "Sandy" call He asked me if I had a colonoscopy recently. I replied that I had. When asked, I had to admit that he did not intend to happen soon. I thought it was the end. Not at all. Later that morning I received a long e-mail him. He said that as a "health guru" My audience expects also interested in my own health. He argues that the modern colonoscopy - are rather simplistic and at my age, I'm ready to do things (in addition to nose hairs) grow (compared to what is Cash Doctors of the Middle Ages?). By this he meant that there is a high probability that one or more polyps can be found in my gut. I called a "stubborn old goat." But soft, adding that "those who admire and love will be sad when my resistance is fatal. Fine warning that if I read a colonoscopy and colorectal cancer because of my death, my funeral boycott and stop my weekly wellness newsletter.
All this was very effective and motivation, especially the parts that involve adulation. I asked a few people, including medical friends, some of his views on the matter. Proposed about half, it was not necessary, and others have said that it is a good idea. The latter, however, did so for reasons that amounted to: "Because all they are concerned about their interests, if he will."
I realized that if I performed this test to you, my son, my wife, my doctor,
sand and others who are big fans of colonoscopy. All of these people prefer a
little discomfort now to be on the safe side.
Note however, a doctor friend in Perth that some medical groups, including prevention services working group set 75 as the age to stop screening of colorectal cancer. His view is that those who (like me) who eat a diet rich in fiber and live wisely otherwise probably do not need the operation. He also noted that the colonoscopy is not supported in Australia and are not covered under the universal health insurance in Australia. Generally not recommended. Many others have a similar position, some of them very strong in the face of this country's history of excessive tests that can be dangerous and costly to society expressed.
Well, I'm still literally on the fence. I made an appointment with a doctor highly recommended for early February. I intend to take my questions and concerns long. Perhaps the good doctor is will help me see the light. Maybe not.
Needless to say, I do not recommend at this time or not to screen the colon for someone else. But I recommend you do what I wanted to read about the advantages and disadvantages and collect all your questions and concerns and discuss with a qualified physician. If necessary, a second or third opinion. It is a good idea if you. No evidence or invasive medical then do what you think is rational. Not tested or anything else to please their family and friends. Even if they threaten to boycott his funeral.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends colonoscopy for everyone over 50 years. The purpose of the examination is the procedure can detect develop cancer of the colon or rectum current signs of the disease. Additional colonoscopies are recommended every 10 years thereafter, if no problems are detected. On the website of ACS, the procedure as "unpleasant and intrusive" and suggests that "someone drive you home after the procedure." Preparation for colonoscopy requires "colon cleansing" with a special diet and laxatives for a day before the procedure. There are several complications of colonoscopy are perforation, bleeding, and death, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common complication is perforation, which occurs in approximately one in 1,000 procedures, according to a 2009 study published in "genetic medicine". Death occurs in every 12,500 procedures.
There are other less invasive options for the detection of colorectal cancer rectum, including virtual colonoscopy and stool tests such as immunoassays or fecal DNA. Obviously this is not what the American Medical Association calling "gold standard". Colonoscopy is the gold standard.
A colonoscopy involves inserting a thin tube-like instrument with a tiny camera called "colonoscopy" (what else, a periscope?). This device mini dildo in the rectum, which is used, placed along the entire colon. Colonoscopy permits a visual diagnosis of incipient cancer of the colon and rectum biopsy and the removal of the lesions. If anyone is injured, suspect or not, two things happen before the device is removed while the patient is still sedated: under 1) The doctor who conducted the surgery is performed given enough time to leave the city and start a new life a government program of witness protection-like, and 2). If medications and disappear, the patient is completely cured, said an expert consultant something to the patient, "Sorry, nothing's wrong found with you, I really do not know. They have to go through your colon is fine. Visit us in ten years. Have to do it again. "
No, I'm kidding, I have, because it's really amazing truth of the matter: The patient was prepared for this case is very unlikely! And it is thanks to him, anyway. It does not know gob, that it was useless concerned about if you missed it. All you need is a guarantee that this particular disease has or may soon get. There are still hundreds of people who are on the waiting time. How many tests have to learn not to? In any case, that's what I do, should provide information on the results of the colonoscopy. At this stage the patient is not only expected that the throat doctors, who give this done to him, but, on the contrary, were scheduled to be happy with everything. Therefore it is likely to say something like: "Oh, thank you very much Thank you, thank you, I'm just glad that people are better than I can wait until I'm back to me in ten years .....”
I never paid much attention to what the recommended ACS and other medical organizations a test or another. I took care of medical tests, examinations, screening, risk assessment and all these curses care. There is too much of it. These activities were part of the lexicalization of health for at least half a century. I recognized the problem as an organizing principle of health in the late 60s. I in the political and medical research for five years bathed before going into my current role as a promoter of well-being. I have a PhD in health and public policy. I saw up close and personal reality and consequences of unnecessary and often dangerous for our bloated, dysfunctional doctor. I have written extensively on the subject.
The problem is a health care group has done worse. $ 700 billion per year - report in a recent Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), Peter Orissa, director of the Congressional Budget Office, test cited by the estimated 5 percent of gross domestic product in the nation, and procedures that do not actually improve the results. He believes that the "high cost of health care in the United States must be tackled a deep-rooted problem at the root."
Doctors say that colonoscopy is the gold standard of preventive medicine. Well, maybe, but you really need the gold standard? Everyone over 50 years, 10 years? The jury is out. In addition, if you are 50 years or older (or a day there), you might want to check to see if the jury a verdict in routine colonoscopies enough and many other tests and procedures performed.
In 2008, as the American Cancer Society, the colonoscopy as the preferred test. Medicare pays for colonoscopies and the law on health care reform again (PPACA) requires insurance companies to cover it.
However, I have good reasons to resist this process, and a general recognition that the medical system is full of unnecessary tests, some of which may be hazardous to health and prosperity. For example, a colonoscopy is three to four times more expensive than a simple test sigmoidoscopy. This means that a "probe", which takes a few minutes. No sedation, leaving no need for exercise or work, and pot of laxatives or colon emptying terrible last night, and may not require medical gastroenterologist or primary family often the process.) A Best of all, the risk of complications (infections, bleeding, incontinence, or, in the worst case, death) is seven times lower than the city of Calvary C.
And here's the clip: the inventor of the colonoscopy, nougat, wrote an editorial in JAMA this summer said he regrets the invention of colonoscopy. Torreon said, "If we had today, when we, in 1988, I set up a colonoscopy on current information and are."
As one wag said the gold standard of preventive medicine cans only gold from the perspective of physicians' salaries.
All of this is personal. I am almost 74 years and I've never had one. Many of my friends this appalling. My wife and son were doing for me to do this. And one of my best friends, someone I have the highest esteem, because half a dozen different almost pulled out all the stops to convince me to the bodies of the colon are more radical measures to be withdrawn, suspended, including me, as a false prophet is.
Charlie Chaplin said: "Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot." Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of this method, I'm struggling with a go / no go decision. I consulted my Ouija board, card and prayer book. However, it seems the case for and against a balanced colonoscopy. (Yes, of course I'm talking about the astrology chart and prayer book joke.)
I confess that remain when comparing the two options, and I started in favor of "give it a pass" option. Following Mr. Chaplin, seen in the foreground biased, the ability to suffer this indignity seems tragic. But I think if I go through and see what. the test results allow me on the planet's surface had to remain for some time, I really think it's funny, with hindsight
Influential people in my life, I have been following for many years to have this operation. This group includes influential my family doctor, my son and my wife. Your good intentions are concerned, of course, highly respected and appreciated. However, I suspect that they are caused by excessive caution with respect to future problems that affected lurk in conjunction with very little concern for the inconvenience of the whole process, and the likelihood that it was useless. Unfortunately, the pressure to resist more, to do just that was almost unbearable.
The last attack began a month ago during a training ride. A friend of the athlete and champion cyclist about my age I "Sandy" call He asked me if I had a colonoscopy recently. I replied that I had. When asked, I had to admit that he did not intend to happen soon. I thought it was the end. Not at all. Later that morning I received a long e-mail him. He said that as a "health guru" My audience expects also interested in my own health. He argues that the modern colonoscopy - are rather simplistic and at my age, I'm ready to do things (in addition to nose hairs) grow (compared to what is Cash Doctors of the Middle Ages?). By this he meant that there is a high probability that one or more polyps can be found in my gut. I called a "stubborn old goat." But soft, adding that "those who admire and love will be sad when my resistance is fatal. Fine warning that if I read a colonoscopy and colorectal cancer because of my death, my funeral boycott and stop my weekly wellness newsletter.
All this was very effective and motivation, especially the parts that involve adulation. I asked a few people, including medical friends, some of his views on the matter. Proposed about half, it was not necessary, and others have said that it is a good idea. The latter, however, did so for reasons that amounted to: "Because all they are concerned about their interests, if he will."
Note however, a doctor friend in Perth that some medical groups, including prevention services working group set 75 as the age to stop screening of colorectal cancer. His view is that those who (like me) who eat a diet rich in fiber and live wisely otherwise probably do not need the operation. He also noted that the colonoscopy is not supported in Australia and are not covered under the universal health insurance in Australia. Generally not recommended. Many others have a similar position, some of them very strong in the face of this country's history of excessive tests that can be dangerous and costly to society expressed.
Well, I'm still literally on the fence. I made an appointment with a doctor highly recommended for early February. I intend to take my questions and concerns long. Perhaps the good doctor is will help me see the light. Maybe not.
Needless to say, I do not recommend at this time or not to screen the colon for someone else. But I recommend you do what I wanted to read about the advantages and disadvantages and collect all your questions and concerns and discuss with a qualified physician. If necessary, a second or third opinion. It is a good idea if you. No evidence or invasive medical then do what you think is rational. Not tested or anything else to please their family and friends. Even if they threaten to boycott his funeral.
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